Infant Probiotic Formula (15 gram) Sample

Infant Probiotic Formula (15 gram) Sample
SMP-2004Product Details
- L. Acidophilus, Strain LA-1
- L. Rhamnosus, Strain LR-32
- B. Bifidum, Strain Bb-06
- B. Infantis, Strain Bi-26
Allergen Statement
Our probiotic formulations do NOT contain dairy, sugar, gluten, soy, casein, yeast, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, FOS or any Genetically Modified or engineered ingredients.
GMO status
All our probiotic powders do not consist of, nor contain, nor is produced from genetically modified organisms according to the definitions of Regulation (EC) 1829/2003 and Regulation (EC) 1830/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 September 2003.
Our probiotic formulations do NOT contain dairy, sugar, gluten, soy, casein, yeast, artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, FOS or any Genetically Modified or engineered ingredients.
- Helps promote a well-balanced microbiome
- Better absorption of vitamins and nutrients
- Positive influence on intestinal and urogenital flora
- Maintenance of mucosal integrity
- Improvement of immune system
- Anti-carcinogenic, anti-mutagenic and anti-allergic activities
- Anti-Candida properties
- Assist in the regulation of inflammatory digestive conditions
- Positive influence on autistic children
- Provides antagonistic environment for pathogens
Dosage and Strorage Tips
Start with one baby scoop (0.1 gram, 25 billion cfu’s) of the probiotic powder first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Dissolve the powder in a glass of dechlorinated water and drink it. Stay at this dosage for about 3-5 days.
If your child is not getting the expected results raise the dosage to one scoop in the morning and one scoop at bedtime. Stay at this dosage for one week. If you are still not happy with the results go up to 2 scoops in the morning and 2 scoops at bedtime. You can always lower the dosage or stop taking probiotics for a few days.
Every digestive system is unique like a fingerprint. You need to find the dosage that best suits YOU or your child. It may be one, two, three or even six scoops a day depending on age and the desired result. This gradual increase in dosage is a good way to find the optimum dosage.
Our probiotic supplements are temperature stable for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. We have done 2 year temperature stability testing on our probiotics . We overdesign our probiotics so that the loss will not effect the potency indicated on the label. One can travel with our probiotics for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. It is best however to keep probiotics refrigerated for optimum potency. Below is our 2 year temperature stability study for your information.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why are we called Custom Probiotics?
A. We can make a custom blend of any of the single strains that we carry on the website to be added to any of our formulations.
Q. What are Probiotics and how do they work?
A. According to the currently adopted definition by FAO/WHO, probiotics are: “Live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host.” For more info click here. Probiotics are the “good” bacteria that inhabit the digestive system naturally. Antibiotics, infection, bad diet, and stress negatively affect the intestinal microflora. The proper dosage of probiotics will be of great help in normalizing the flora in the digestive system, and hence improve digestive and immune response.
Q. Do your products contain any dairy or gluten?
All of our products are dairy and casein free, hypoallergenic, and do not contain any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, sugar, gluten, soy or FOS. They do not utilize milk, milk derivatives, galacto oligosaccharides (GOS) or inulin as added ingredients in the fermentation media.
Q. Should I follow a certain diet while taking probiotics?
A. A lot of our clients have Candida, Autism, food allergies and other digestive issues. Therefore it is best to use a sugar-free and natural food diet with a lot of vegetables, fibers, and some fish and chicken. This is because Candida and bad bacteria grow on sugar. Therefore proper diet and nutrition are very important.
Q. What are cfu’s?
A. Colony Forming Units. It’s the bacterial count of probiotics.
Q. How do I know I’m getting the specified amount of cfu’s?
A. We do independent lab testing on our probiotics to verify the bacterial count at the time of sale. Although the count is higher at the time of production, the count on the label is the count at time of expiration, which is one year from the date of manufacture.
Q. What is a good dosage?
A. Dosage varies from person to person based on the severity of their situation. These dosages vary from 25 billion cfu’s per day up to 800 billion cfu’s per day. Low dosage probiotics will have limited health benefits. You will need a higher potency in order to achieve the desired results. Many of our customers have used other probiotic brands with minimal results due to low potency. Click here for more detailed dosage suggestions.
Q. How would I know whether to get 50 grams or 100 grams?
A. It depends on how much you need and how quickly you will go through it. 100 grams is more cost effective. If one uses one adult scoop (200 billion cfu’s) per day of our probiotic powder, 100 grams will last 4 months.
Q. What time of day should I take probiotics? And can I take them with other medications, vitamins or antibiotics?
A. Probiotics are best taken on an empty stomach first thing in the morning and/or at bedtime. A lapse of 30-45 minutes before or after a meal is also recommended. If you are taking antibiotics you should have a 2-hour gap before or after taking the probiotics.
Q. What is the maximum amount of capsules or scoops I can take a day?
A. Dosage varies from person to person. Depending on the condition, if you are taking our Adult Formula CP-1, 8 capsules is the maximum amount to take a day (equivalent to 400 billion cfu’s). If you are taking our powders, the maximum amount is 4 adult scoops a day (equivalent to 800 billion cfu’s).
Q. How long will a 50 gram or a 100 gram powder last me?
A. 50 grams is equivalent to 60 adult scoops. Each adult scoop measures 0.8 grams (equivalent to 200 billion cfu’s). If you take one adult scoop a day 50 grams will last 2 months while 100 grams will last 4 months. We also include a child scoop measuring 0.1 gram equivalent to 25 billion cfu’s. 8 baby scoops are equivalent to 1 adult scoop.
Q. At what age can an infant or child take probiotics?
A. Based on our research the infant dosage of probiotics can be given starting at 6 months up to the age of 5.
Q. How much probiotics can an infant take?
A. We supply a baby scoop which is 0.1 gram (the equivalent of 20-25 billion cfu’s). Infants can take from half a baby scoop to 2 baby scoops.
Q. Why do some people get a “die-off” reaction?
A. “Die-off” reaction is due to a “war” between the ingested probiotic good bacteria and the bad bacteria in the digestive system. The more the imbalance of intestinal flora and the higher the dosage of probiotics taken, the higher the “die-off” reaction can be. That is why our dosage protocol is to go up in dosage gradually.
Q. What happens if the probiotics stay out of the refrigerator for a few days?
A. The loss is very minimal. We have done 2 year temperature stability testing on it. We overdesign our probiotics so that the loss will not effect the potency indicated on the label. One can travel with our probiotics for 2-3 weeks without refrigeration. It is best however to keep probiotics refrigerated for optimum potency.
Q. Why aren’t Custom Probiotics enteric coated?
A. The argument for the need of enteric coating is mainly marketing. It is true that in the laboratory one can demonstrate enhanced survival to acidic conditions when you compare powder vs. enterically coated capsules, however the need for that to achieve efficacy is not demonstrated. Our clinical trials have not been performed with enterically coated capsules, however efficacy is noted. Our strains are also pre-selected for excellent acid/bile tolerance and the capacity to survive intestinal transit. And for the last 11 years we have obtained excellent results from all our clients worldwide.
Q. Do probiotics help with parasites?
A. Yes and no. It is best to kill the parasites first with prescription drugs or certain natural foods and supplements. Garlic, papaya seeds, pumpkin seeds, fibers (such as bentonite clay and psyllium husk) are helpful in killing the parasites. A sugar-free diet, junk food-free diet is essential. Normally probiotics are used after parasites are brought under control. Dosage is important. We suggest high dosages of probiotics.
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I've been meaning to write for some time. First, your level of customer service is unsurpassed! Thank you so much for helping me get my adult formula probiotics while deployed overseas. Secondly, we have to take very strong antibiotics to prevent getting malaria while overseas. Alternating your probiotics with the required medicine kept me from getting the stomach issues all of my other coworkers were experiencing. As a matter of fact, I was the only person in the unit that didn't have stomach issues! By the end of our deployment, they were all coming to me for me to share my probiotics with them! I've been using your adult formula for years. My daughter also uses your products to keep her eczema under control. Thank you so much for your amazing products!
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First, I would like to thank Harry for his dedication to providing such fantastic probiotics and yogurt starter.I started with five abdominal surgeries in my early twenties and from there on my stomach and overall health have suffered tremendously. I had numerous illnesses after the surgeries that eventually led to deficient antibody count diagnosis, IgG-2 subclasses and IgA. I was on antibiotics, very strong ones and for many years due to the chronic issues with these problems. My health just spiraled out of control regardless of the measures I took to help my body. I’ve tried many many options from natural, alternative to mainstream to no avail. I’ve had a clean organic diet and avoided chemical laden personal products for too many years to count. I couldn’t get a grip on how to fix anything despite eating probiotics by the handfuls, quart of organic plain yogurt every few days, kefir, etc etc. Some days I would be up to twenty probiotic capsules that were suppose to be the best and still just making a small dent, suffering still but to a lesser degree. I finally started to make my own yogurt and I felt somewhat better but I knew I wasn’t reaping the full benefits of probiotics and yogurt so I did some surfing on the internet and found Custom Probiotics. What I wasn’t prepared for was the awesome results I received after using these products for a few weeks. I was making progress for once in my long 20 year journey to health. I have been using these products now for about six weeks and I wanted to wait to see what a longer term effect would bring and I can tell you that this is better than I had expected, which tells me my body is rebuilding and this is just the tip of the iceberg, there are better days ahead. I have put on weight, my body is utilizing the nutrition, I’m not malnourished and somy body can perform the way my Creator intended.The yogurt is fabulous, I can’t explain to you what this yogurt tastes like other than it is light, tangy and clean tasting without that heavy pungent taste you sometimes find with organic yogurts on the market. I put a scoop of the Custom Probiotic blend into my yogurt two times a day. My energy is more balanced, my stomach feels so much better and I can eat more foods without suffering from eating and I sleep so restful. Also, I have suffered about 14 years of chronic ear and sinus infections, to which the doctors kept prescribing more antibiotics and I would only get worse, now since I’ve started making my yogurt with Harry’s starter and using the Custom Blend powder, the ears and sinuses have completely cleared up. I agree with another poster, do not waste your money on all of those other sub-optimal products, Custom Probiotics will give you all that you need to help you on your way to re-building health and well being.God Bless |
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Hi Harry, After suffering with severe diarrhea for the month of December I was finally diagnosed with C. Difficile on Jan. 1 /08. My doctor could not believe that I had developed this disease since I was in excellent health, had not visited a hospital or a senior’s home, nor had I been out of the country. I was immediately prescribed Vancomycin which I took for 10 days and appeared to be cured and then Feb. 1 the C. Difficile returned as strong or stronger than ever so I was back to another go of the Vancomycin however this time even with the antibiotic I got worse with each day. I lost 12 pounds off my already thin body. Finally I got in touch with a wonderful Alternative doctor and he got me on your Custom Probiotics, colostrum and a very strict diet. After 2 days on this regime I started improving and now I am practically back to normal except for very low energy and incredible tiredness but this too is improving daily. Thank goodness for Custom Probiotics! I had never even heard of Probiotics before this disease hit me. Lois |
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Dear Harry, Your recommendation several months ago was right on target! My wife has had ulcerative colitis for 21 years. In that time she has had serious diarrhea from early morning until noon – could not stray. We have had many specialists try to do something (medication, alternative approaches) with no success. We could not leave the house for any reason. She uses scoop at night and one in the morning. By the way, we use your yogurt starter also with a yogourmet maker, and that had helped some. So we will continue using the starter as well. We have some capsules of CP-1 for when we go on trips. Thanks for your product and help. Stephen |
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Hi Harry, I just wanted to write to thank you again. I’ve been ordering Acidophilus powder from you for over a year now because I thought I was too sensitive for anything else. (I cannot tolerate the microcellulose crystalline in your capsules). But my digestion has not been 100% for many months and I have not been able to pinpoint the cause. With my last order, you sent me two free samples to test: one for the small intestine and one for the large intestine. Since starting the L. Rhamnosus/L. Lactis/L. Plantarum blend, my digestion improved. My bowel movements are well-formed and very regular, consistently. Sorry for the graphics but as you know, for someone suffering for years with the symptoms of mercury poisoning, Crohn’s Disease and systemic candida, this is somewhat of a miracle. I can’t tell you how happy I am. We sometimes forget to experiment once we’ve had a negative reaction to something. I am thankful for the people like you out there who remind us to remain open, and who are willing to send a free sample. I would never have risked the extra money to test out something unknown. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Happy New Year!!!! Julie Genser |
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Hi Harry, Just a quick note to tell you that after 10 years in private practice and dealing with virtually every nutritional supplement imaginable, Custom Probiotics are far and away the most productive and effective probiotics I have ever recommended for clients or that my family has ever used. Thanks for producing such a superior product. Sincerely, |
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Hi! Harry, My name is Heather Butler, I’m 18 years old, and I’m a patient of Dr. I just want to let you know how grateful I am for Custom Probiotics. Ever since I was a little girl had digestive/constipation problems. I’ve been using Custom Probiotics for almost a year and love it! It has truly changed my life and well-being! Thank-you so much! Sincerely, |
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10 years of putting thousands of dollars towards doctors, alternative medicine, homeopaths, programs, and over the counter products. Suffering from panic attacks, premature aging, bad breath and body odor, hypoglycemia, leaky gut, mal-absorption, massive food sensitivities, mood swings, fatigue, heart palpitations, catching my breath while sleeping, constipation and hair loss etc…..caused from candida over-growth! It was so hard trying to dine with friends and explain my crazy diet, and then them asking for an explanation. No matter what I did, I only became worse. I felt like a mutant. It became a lifestyle and I adapted unhappily, but life moves on. I really became overwhelmed when I thought I was on a good program, became pregnant, and my daughter was born with many food sensitivities and intolerance’s. Rashes and earaches after eating, and grouchiness. Try explaining to a 2 year old that she has a choice between meat cabbage or celery. 2 Weeks on the Custom Probiotics program, and my skin and nails are growing like I am a multi vitamin, which I had stop taking a while back because they weren’t working. My daughter no longer gets red itchy rashes from foods. We still have a long way to go and are sticking with a strict diet, and I put your probiotics in everything. I am so happy to see results. I am looking forward to everything that will be as we continue your products. I am so glad that you are taking the time to develop such a high quality product, and will keep you up as we progress. Jessica and Katie |
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I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 1998 and the doctors wanted to do surgery cause my Colitis was very severe. I said no to surgery and gave up on Western medicine and doctors. I have been doing the SCD diet. Alex |
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I owe Harry a debt of great thanks. When I switched to custom probiotics, my healing dramatically accelerated.It has been a miracle for me, after over a year and a half of thinking I was going to have to stop living due to constant migraines.I can’t recommend custom probiotics highly enough. Patti |
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Daniel had been waging an all out war on Candida for 2 months. He was reacting less to food but was also absorbing less and becoming progressively more tired and diarrhetic – although different from IBD diarrhea according to him. The probiotics he had been taking weren’t beneficial in any way he could see. He started Custom 2 weeks ago and suffered 3 days of massive headaches, exhaustion, brain fog and general aches and pains like the flu. After that, the headaches went away and his head cleared totally. He wrote to tell us that he could do Math again as his brain was able to do sequential thinking for the first time since getting sick. Weird eh? Next he started feeling so energetic that he no longer needed naps in the day and was even able to pull a few all-nighters for mid-terms. His digestion and the diarrhea improved although his stool are still not totally formed and there’s still occasional partially digested food. Even more fantastic is that he called last night to talk about philosophy and to hear his passion and exuberance was like meeting our son again after a year’s absence. My mind kept saying: “Yes, this is what all the hard work’s been about”. Nicole |
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I have only been on Harry’s custom probiotics for 3 days and I’ve had more die-off (an excellent sign, since it’s the toxins from dead yeast after something kills the yeast) than I’ve ever had with any medication for yeast. I am really excited! Beth |
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Custom Probiotic as probiotics, for myself & others on this forum, are far more potent and “live” than any other probiotics I have thus run across over the last 15 years. Michael |
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I first began using your Custom Probiotic formula about 6 months ago and it has improved my digestive health considerably. I have been sick for eight years with immune suppression, low adrenal function, chronic fungal infections, leaky gut syndrome and multiple food allergies. My digestive health was so compromised that I had constant flatulence and acid re-flux which never abated. The fungal/yeast infections were running rampant in my body and nothing helped to alleviate it. I have have spent thousands of dollars over this 8-year period trying dozens of probiotic formulas and have not found even one that was effective until I tried your custom probiotic formulations. I am currently taking the powdered formulation twice a day and the CP-1 if I am traveling. Since I have been using your Custom Probiotic formula my flatulence and acid reflux are completely gone and my chronic yeast/fungal infections are slowly resolving and I believe my leaky gut is finally healing. Using your formulas combined with a sugar-free/low carbohydrate diet has helped me get a foothold over this illness for the very first time since I became ill. Harry, you have my utmost thanks for dedicating yourself to excellence in making probiotic formulations that are really effective and health enhancing – formulations that really work. This health battle has been a long one but I think I am finally on the road to recovery thanks to you and your commitment to making a quality probiotic product. Thanks again Harry for a superior probiotic formula that works!! Best regards, Betty Lou King |
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Even though I have had another flare, we are pretty sure it was from a cold I had at the time. Basically I do thank g-d feel better and am appreciative that there is at least one probiotic that is SCD legal and obviously is of a very high standard. Thank you again for your great service |
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Dear Harry, I thought that I should write to you to let you know of my progress with respect to my crohns colitis and your Probiotics. In a couple of words I can say that they are “extremely effective”. There is no doubt in my mind that they can, for me, effectively stop blood or mucus in the stool within 1-2 days of taking them. I use 3 spoonfuls of the ultra-potency powder formulation every morning about 1/2 hour before breakfast. I find the powder slightly more effective than the capsules although not as “palatable”. I can dissolve the powder better in a glass of water than with the capsules and therefore I believe will aid the distribution of the probiotics within the gut lining much more evenly. Although I was taking the capsules from March 02 I have been using the powder since September 02 and have not looked back. Of course although the probiotics and the SCD controlled the blood and mucus I still found that I could have 2-3 movements a day, although not as loose as before, along with occasional slight cramps. On your recommendation Harry, in October ’02 I started using the Inflazyme Forte enzyme coated formulation tablets as well, which contain among other things, Bromelain, which is from pineapple extract and is acknowledged to be a potent anti-inflammatory substance. I can honestly say that again within 2-3 days I noticed a significant improvement in my movements and now since October I have effectively returned to normal. I take 2 tablets just before a meal three times a day. I have no cramping or any other digestive problems to report. Being a surgeon myself and knowing of the possible side effects of using medications such as Asacol and prednisone I was very keen to tackle my Crohns through alternative means which I have now done successfully thanks to you Harry! I wanted to wait at least three to four months before contacting you to see if my remission could be sustained, which it has. I am certain that my remission is not by coincidence as I have experimented by stopping the above treatments intermittently to see what happens and almost always I noted my symptoms come back. However within 1-2 days of resuming the treatments my symptoms stopped. As a surgeon I know the body is a great healer provided we help it along. Your treatments, along with Elaine Gottschall’s Specific Carbohydrate Diet, work naturally and effectively. There is as you know an increasing body of research and literature which has being published in the last 2 years to support this. I am sure that my colleagues within the medical community will all at some point in the future acknowledge that illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease can and should be treated without resorting to proprietary medicines which can be, and are, associated with serious side effects. Unfortunately the medical community is similar to an oil tanker that needs to change course. It takes a lot of time! Carry on the good work Harry of supplying first class products! David |